
1. 介绍

1.1 十大电子游艺网站排行 is committed to making the best use of all available technology 和 innovation. 这包括使用所有合理和具有成本效益的手段来改善与我们所服务的个人和社区的沟通和互动.

1.2 社交媒体 is a general term used to reference sites 和 activity on sites such as 脸谱网, 推特, YouTube or any other virtual hub where users interact. 其他流行的社交媒体网站包括, 但不限于, Instagram, TikTok, Tumblr, Snapchat, LinkedIn, 维基百科, Flickr, WordPress 四方.

1.3 十大电子游艺网站排行是一所大学 comprehensive public institution educating a diverse student body, preparing students for leadership 和 lifelong learning in a multicultural world, 增强德州东南部的未来, 国家, 这个国家, 和世界通过教学, 研究及创意活动, 和服务. 鼓励学生和员工接受社交媒体网站,作为简化和丰富参与和交流的便捷场所.

1.4 To avoid major mistakes which could result in reputational, 法律, 道德问题, 和 misuse/abuse of well-functioning social media relationships, 必须通过常识性的方法和框架以及对此类应用程序开发的主动监控来管理潜在风险. 

1.5 这些指导方针必须与十大电子游艺网站排行提供的有关使用社交媒体的所有其他信息一起阅读和遵守.

2. 社交媒体的定义

2.1 为本指南的目的, 社交媒体是一种交互式在线媒体,它允许各方彼此即时沟通或在公共论坛上共享数据. This includes e-mail, online social forums, blogs, video image-sharing websites 和 similar facilities.

2.2 社交媒体的形式还有很多 could be listed here as this is a constantly changing area. Employees 和 students must follow these guidelines in relation to any university-affiliated social media that they use.

3. 法律

3.1 使用社交媒体必须遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律以及系统和大学的法规和政策. 诸如 FERPA, 和 HIPAA 必须遵循所有适用的 NCAA 规定. Any content 和/or online activity created by an individual or site moderator that violates these ordinances, or contains/leads to the release of a student’s private personal information is strictly prohibited 和 will be removed. 

3.2 FERPA: "The Family Educational Rights 和 Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. 教育部." (阅读更多…)

3.3 十大电子游艺网站排行的员工和承包商不得参与课程通信或在社交媒体上发布有关学生记录的任何信息. 学生记录的例子包括, 但不限于, 的名字, 录取状态, 平均绩点, 社会安全号码, 学号, 和 any/all other information that would be covered by FERPA. All such communications with students or prospective students must be conducted using secure discussion platforms, 比如电子邮件, 正如十大电子游艺网站排行的 适当使用政策. 直接通讯应用程序和社交媒体网站不被认为是安全的讨论平台,不能这样使用.

3.4 保护HIPAA规定的机密医疗记录:“隐私规则保护受保护实体或其商业伙伴持有或传输的所有'个人可识别的健康信息', 以任何形式或媒介, 是否电子, 纸质或口头.受保护信息的例子包括, 但不限于, “……个人的过去, 现在 or future physical or mental health or condition, the provision of health care to the individual, or, 过去的, 现在, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual, 这可以识别个人或有合理的基础相信可以用来识别个人.” (阅读更多...)

3.5 社交媒体的世界已经改变了大学体育交流和招聘的面貌,所有十大电子游艺网站排行的员工在社交媒体平台上互动和交流时必须遵守NCAA的规定. Employees must refrain from knowingly contacting prospective student-athletes on social media platforms.

3.6 T学校不认可或使用任何社交网络互联网通信服务或媒体共享服务作为网上商业交易或涉及个人信息的安全通信手段. 大学不会要求, 个人也不应该发送, 信用卡或付款信息, 机密信息, 特权信息, 私人信息或通过任何社交网络互联网通信服务受保密协议约束的信息. 

3.7 作为站点管理员或任何类型的用户, 十大电子游艺网站排行的员工和学生必须遵守所有社交媒体平台的使用条款,并遵守适用的大学政策以及联邦和州法律. 

4. 使用社交媒体

4.1 学校在哪里鼓励员工在工作中合理、恰当地使用社交媒体网站, 人们认识到,这是大学如何与受众沟通的重要组成部分,并允许员工和大学利益相关者之间进行沟通和联系.

4.2 员工可能会, with explicit prior approval from their supervisor, contribute to the university's social media activities, 比如写博客, 按照十大电子游艺网站排行营销传播系制定的标准,管理学校社交媒体账号,运营学校官方社交账号.

4.3 个人设备的使用, 比如笔记本电脑, 平板电脑和移动电话, to access social media websites while at work is governed by policies set forth by the Office of Human Resources. 员工必须遵守这些政策.

4.4 Employees must be aware at all times that while contributing to 十大电子游艺网站排行's social media activities, 他们代表这所大学. Employees who use social media as part of their job must adhere to the following safeguards:

  • All communications must have a purpose 和 a benefit to the university.
  • Supervisor approval must be secured 之前 embarking on a public campaign using social media.
  • 需要链接到源材料. This will help reduce the possibility of misinformation 和 it will increase traffic.
  • All content must be reviewed for accuracy, with special attention to spelling 和 grammar. 内容不得违反大学规定, 州或联邦法规, specifically those related to protected classes of individuals.
  • Privacy settings must be set to ensure maximum privacy 和 publishing of updates only to the intended audiences.

4.5 十大电子游艺网站排行 employee communication through social media must not:

  • 违反保密:
    • Reveal confidential intellectual property or information owned by 十大电子游艺网站排行; or
    • 给 away confidential information about an individual (such as a colleague or partner contact) or organization (such as a partner institution); or
    • 讨论大学的内部工作(如与合作机构/客户达成的协议或尚未向公众传达的未来商业计划).
  • Do anything that could be considered discriminatory against, 或欺凌或骚扰, 任何个人:
    • Make offensive or derogatory comments relating to sex, 性别, 种族(含国籍), 残疾, 宗教或信仰, sexual orientation or age; or
    • Use social media to bully another individual; or
    • Post images that are discriminatory 和/or offensive or links to such content.
  • 让十大电子游艺网站排行名誉扫地
    • Criticize or argue with students, customers, colleagues, partners, or competitors; or
    • Make defamatory comments about individuals or other organizations or groups; or
    • Post images that are inappropriate or links to inappropriate content.
  • 违反版权:
    • Use someone else's images or content without permission; or
    • Failure to give acknowledgment where permission has been given.

4.6 尊重. If an audience member 帖子s an upsetting comment, administrators should take a period of time to 之前 replying to ensure the response is rational 和 professional. 社交媒体是一个讨论的地方. It is a priority of 十大电子游艺网站排行 to ensure that stakeholders 识别 LU帐户如下 legitimate forums for constructive communication 在大学里.

4.8 E员工和页面管理员必须遵循 the terms of use for each social media platform. 社交媒体, 比如脸谱网和Instagram, evolve constantly 和 it is the responsibility of every social media administrator to stay 最新的 在这些条件下.

4.9 指定的员工必须在指定的账户上保持活跃的社交媒体存在,以便继续成为十大电子游艺网站排行的附属页面. 

5. 社交媒体评论

5.1 We encourage our 十大电子游艺网站排行 community to comment, 帖子, share 和 interact while remaining respectful of others' opinions 和 rights.

十大电子游艺网站排行 reserves the right to block users or remove comments that (are):

  • 与文章主题无关.
  • Abusive, vulgar, profane, racist, sexist, violent or use hate speech.
  • 淫秽或含有性骚扰内容.
  • Considered to be spam, advertisements or vendor promotions unrelated to 十大电子游艺网站排行.
  • 诽谤, contain falsehoods or unsupported accusations of 十大电子游艺网站排行 students, 员工, 访客或其他个人.
  • Encourage il法律, dangerous or destructive activity.
  • Threatening, harassment or personal attacks toward specific individuals or groups.

6. Monitoring use of social media during work time

6.1 十大电子游艺网站排行 reserves the right to monitor 员工' Internet usage in accordance with the 资讯保安政策. 大学认为,检查员工互联网使用情况的正当理由包括怀疑该员工有:

  • been spending an excessive amount of time using social media websites for non-work-related activity; or
  • acted in a way that is in breach of the rules set out in these guidelines.

6.2 十大电子游艺网站排行 reserves the right to monitor 和, within specific guidelines as defined within the 资讯保安政策 和 associated IT policies retain information that it has gathered on 员工' use of the Internet.

6.3 Access to particular social media websites may be withdrawn in any case of misuse.

7. 个人社交媒体使用情况

7.1 十大电子游艺网站排行 识别s that many 员工 make use of social media in a personal capacity. While they are not acting on behalf of the university, 员工 should be aware that they can appear to re现在 十大电子游艺网站排行 if they are 识别d as an employee.

7.2 Employees are permitted to indicate that they work for 十大电子游艺网站排行. 员工的在线个人资料(例如, (博客或推特的名称)可以包含大学的名称,前提是内容集中在员工工作的领域,并且已经得到了大学的社交媒体经理的批准.

7.3 Employees who discuss their opinions related 十大电子游艺网站排行 on social media (for example, 对他们的专业提出意见, 部门, 大学, or the sector in which the University operates), 应该在个人简介中附上如下声明:“我在这里表达的观点是我个人的观点,并不一定反映我雇主的观点。."

7.4 十大电子游艺网站排行强烈建议员工使用个人社交媒体的沟通符合第4节和第7节的所有要求.

8. 注册你的社交媒体网站

8.1 All university-affiliated social media sites are required to register with the Department of 营销传播 之前 被建立. 要注册您的网站,请填写“注册一个现有的社交媒体账户" form on the Office of Marketing 和 Communications website. Registering your site will allow it to be added to the 十大电子游艺网站排行 社交媒体目录 和 识别d as an official 十大电子游艺网站排行 account.

8.2 Administrator rights for official university sites should only be assigned to permanent university 员工. 临时员工或学生员工的某些职责分配必须事先得到营销传播部门的批准. To request access to a social media account, please fill out the "Request to add an administrator to a social media account" form on the Office of Marketing 和 Communications website.

8.3 All accounts must have a minimum of two moderators. It is preferred that the LU 社交媒体经理 be included as one of the secondary administrators. Please contact the 社交媒体经理 for more information or to discuss how to meet these requirements.

8.4 所有脸谱网页面必须在十大电子游艺网站排行脸谱网帐户和业务经理的所有权下创建或移动. 大学帐户将保持“管理员”角色,其他帐户经理将被添加为页面上的“编辑”.

9. 创建社交媒体简介

9.1 照片最好的做法是获得一个 照片发放表格 from any individual identifiable in the photos you share. This can be done via written note, email or the st和ard 照片发放表格. Please refer to the university's main social media accounts when thinking about the quality of your images. It is also recommended that all 帖子ed photos be edited to the following specifications: 

  • 72 dpi的分辨率
  • .JPG或 .PNG格式


9.2 标志: Where applicable, use the logo that best reflects the image 和 content being 帖子ed. Departmental/divisional 和 institutional logos are encouraged for 帖子s pertaining to a particular area. 十大电子游艺网站排行的标准标志可以, upon approval from the Department of 营销传播, be used if the content pertains to more 比 one entity, such as recruitment material or campus photos. 参考 大学视觉标准指南 和 运动视觉标准指南 有关正确使用徽标的详细信息.

9.3 形象标志/图片: The LU star logo by itself is prohibited for use on social media outside of the university's main social media profiles. 徽标不得更改,包括, 但不限于, the alteration of placement 和 changes in fonts or colors. The cover photo of university social media accounts must be relevant to the page it is re现在ing. Assistance in finding a suitable image for profile pictures 和 cover photos can be found by contacting the university's 社交媒体经理.

9.4 帐户用户名/显示名:员工 should develop unique 和 appropriate user的名字 和 显示的名字 that accurately describe the 部门, 项目或组织. Employee managed sites are required to use some form of 十大电子游艺网站排行 in the site title. For example: “十大电子游艺网站排行 Department of Physics,” or “ LU Department of Physics.” Named 大学s 和 部门s must be referred to using the approved name. 由于特定的使用条款, the creation of a 十大电子游艺网站排行 affiliated Snapchat account is 明文禁止的 之前 contacting the university 社交媒体经理.

9.5 合适的名字: 十大电子游艺网站排行 must be referred to properly on all social media platforms in user的名字, 显示的名字, 描述, 帖子和页面. Use only the following approved versions of proper 的名字 for 十大电子游艺网站排行:

  • 十大电子游艺网站排行
  • 拉马尔University
  • LU
  • 拉马尔U
  • 拉马尔U
  • 十大电子游艺网站排行.
  • 拉马尔Univ
  • 十大电子游艺网站排行红雀队
  • 十大电子游艺网站排行学生证
  • 陆红衣主教
  • 鲁卡


  • 拉马尔
  • 拉马尔·博蒙特
  • 博蒙特拉马尔州立大学
  • 拉马尔红衣主教
  • 拉马尔卡片

9.6 品牌: Reinforce the university voice 和 br和 by using approved 十大电子游艺网站排行 品牌 Messages.

9.7亵渎: No profanity of any kind is allowed on 帖子s whether directly 帖子ed by the page, 或者从另一个页面共享.

9.8、政治、种族 & 道德立场: 社交媒体 pages are to avoid addressing political, racial or morally motivated topics. No stance should be taken for or against an issue. Pages 和 帖子s should never endorse or denounce any political c和idates whether holding office or running for office. 违反本节可能导致 删除 of administrator access to the social media pages in question. 

9.9 策略: 社交媒体 is fun but must be used only with a plan. Employees considering a social media site should contact the 十大电子游艺网站排行 社交媒体经理.

免责声明本社交媒体政策不适用于付费社交媒体广告(在社交媒体网站上宣传您的实体的广告), or ads promoting your entity's social media sites). For information on ad policy, contact the Department of 营销传播.

The Department of 营销传播 reserves the right to alter, 随时更新或添加此政策.





All university owned social media sites must be approved 之前 设置. Site approval allows your site to be added to the 十大电子游艺网站排行 社交媒体目录.
